Table of Contents
1. Account Information
This shows the date your statement was generated, your account number, and the due date of the current statement.
NOTE: the ‘Payment Due’ date only applies to the ‘Current Charges’ amount from the ‘Service Summary’ field below, not to any previous balances.

2. Service Summary
This area shows the dates and number of days for the current billing period, as well as the previous balance, if applicable, and current charges that are due.

3. Message from LUS
Depending on the status of your account, this field can vary between an informational note from LUS, or if you have an outstanding previous balance, this field will serve as your Past Due Notice.
NOTE: LUS does not send out a separate Past Due Notice, so this, along with the statement on your initial statement, is the only Past Due Notice before your account is eligible for non-pay disconnection.

4. Disconnection Date Notice
This message is your initial and primary notice of the disconnection date for the current charges on this billing statement. The date listed in this area is twenty (20) days past the due date of the statement, and no extensions beyond this date will be made. No additional notice will be mailed until the following month’s statement.
NOTE: Any previous balance, if applicable, must be paid before the date in the ‘Message from LUS’ field to avoid disconnection for nonpayment, the date listed in this section only applies to the current charges.

5. Metered Services
This area shows services you receive from LUS and the associated meter numbers. In the ‘Previous’ and ‘Current’ columns you will find the readings from each respective meter. The difference between the previous month and current month is shown in the ‘Used’ column as the amount of consumption used during the current billing period. The consumption amount carried through the current rate structure for each service gives you the billed amount for that respective service. The current and previous month’s rates can be found here.
All Residential Customers and Commercial Customers less than 50kW: The ‘Billed Dmd’ line shown in this field is for information purposes only and does not have any effect on the billed amount of your service.
Sewer consumption is not metered and instead, is based on water consumption.

6. Current Service Detail
A breakdown of all metered and unmetered charges, applicable taxes, and the calculated penalty amount can be found here. The penalty amount for all accounts is calculated at 5% of the pre-tax amount and is only applied after the due date listed on the billing statement.
NOTE: For Residential Customers, taxes are only calculated for Water Charges.

7. Usage History
This chart shows your consumption history over the previous 12 months.

8. Summary

9. Service Address
This is the service address for this billing statement.

10. Payment Options
You can scan this QR Code to be redirected to our online payment site or download our app.
Call this number and use your account number to make payment by phone.